Humraaz Support Services
Humraaz Support Services embeds a black feminist approach.
The Combahee River Collective’s defining statement, issued in 1977, described its vision for Black feminism as opposing all forms of oppression later embedded in the concept of intersectionality. It went on to say ‘the most general statement of our politics at the present time would be that we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression, and see as our particular task the development of integrated analysis and practice based upon the fact that the major systems of oppression are interlocking. The synthesis of this oppression creates the conditions of our lives. As Black women we see Black feminism as the logical political movement to combat the manifold and simultaneous oppression that all women of color face.’
As an organisation Humraaz Support Services aligns itself with the above statements and actively works in a black intersectional feminist way.
Within this approach the following principles apply:
- As an organisation we will always be run by black women for black women.
- Recognition of the intersectionality of Black women’s experiences including sexuality, gender identity, class, disability, and age oppression and actively working to develop inclusive practices and challenging inappropriate responses by agencies
- Validating Black ways of knowing and doing things
- Challenging oppression and the exclusion of Black people from the mainstream
- Taking account of distinct ways of behaving
- Acting as vehicles for presenting distinct Black ways of viewing and experiencing the world, and thinking about an individual’s place in the world
- Are concerned about difference and negative racial discrimination
- Taking account of the historical component in the experiences faced by Black communities
We are an independent organisation founded in 2002 and registered as a charity in 2005. We work in partnership with local and national statutory organisations and have vast experience with the voluntary sector.
We have three key areas of focus the Refuge, Community Services and ProDIGY.
Our Refuge provides sanctuary and holistic support to women and their children. We are a culturally sensitive service and understand the intersecting and diverse needs. These include gender, race, social class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, mental disability, physical disability, mental illness, and physical illness as well as other forms of identity. Part of this work includes addressing personal issues, concerns around family life, the community and also the environment in which the women live.
Humraaz aims to empower service users by teaching life skills which enable them to become independent, take control of their lives and determine their own future. They are encouraged to participate in challenging and stimulating activities within a safe environment, the ultimate goal being to build self-esteem and confidence. This develops the ability to access services and make the most of opportunities to provide their own security and financial independence.
Our Community Services has gradually developed over the last 3 years. We believe that women are crucial in the community to teach their children and to bring about social change. We do this by educating and supporting the women of the borough through companionship, crafting, sharing of experiences, laughter and food.
Our ProDIGY (Professional Development In the Great You) group offers peer support for professional women from ethnic minorities. Through the group we share skills, offer support and have a monthly session on topics selected by the group. The sessions are run by the members. We welcome all professional women from ethnic minorities. If you are interested to join us or learn more, please email